Passed away peacefully surrounded by family on January 27, 2022, in Ultimate Care Allen Bryant, Hokitika, aged 92.
Dearly loved husband, dad, stepdad, father-in-law, granddad, great-granddad, brother, brother-in-law, uncle, cousin, and friend of many.
Messages to 174 Kumara Junction Highway, Seaview, Hokitika 7882 or can be left on Allan’s tribute page at
Following Allan’s wishes, a private cremation has been held.

Allan Percival Beaumont
January 27, 2022
Sorry to hear this. Alan was a well respected member of the community and a wealth of knowledge. Deepest sympathy to all the family.
With deepest sympathy to the whanau Mr B as we all new him was greatly respected by the Maori community Man of great knowledge RIP Mr B
So sorry to hear this best teacher I had at Kaniere school.
Condolences on the sad loss of a great teacher. I once attended a lecture Alan did on the Waitangi Tribunal and it was most interesting. R I P Alan
So sad to hear that Alan has passed away. A great man. Very good at the law centre and the polytechnic. A life well lived. Love to you Jane. You were amazing to Alan. Rest in love Alan.
RIP Allan.
A wonderfully insightful man, well ahead of his time.
You will be missed.
Deepest sympathy to Allan’s family and friends. You have lost a very amazing man.
A lovely man, who truly cared about people, of all ages and walks of life.
Deepest condolences to Jane, and his family.
Respected, and respectful, the world needs more people like Allan,, not less
Love and light to you all. x
R.I.P Alan, condolences to the family. Blair family.
Sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with your family at this sad time.
Just a wonderful teacher from so years ago! RIP x and free to roam
A most inspirational teacher who opened our eyes to a world beyond where we lived . Rest In Peace Mr Beaumont .
Sincere condolences to Jane and Mr Beaumonts wider family. I can remember when he arrived in Kaniere with his family in the VW combi direct from the Chatham Islands. Mr Beaumont was my best and very favourite teacher all those many years ago. Rest easy and fly high Mr Beaumont.
Our sympathy to Jane and family our thoughts are with you at Alan’s passing
Our sympathy to Jane and family – our thoughts are with you at Alan’s passing
So sorry to hear of your loss Jane. My thoughts are wih you at this sad time
Jane and family please accept my sincere sympathy on the death of Allan
He was a fine educator I respected him in his role at Tai Poutini durng my time working there
A people person and a great contributor. to the Westland commminity
Rest in peace and rise in Glory Allan
On behalf of the Provis family I want to send our sympathy to you all. Allan was a wonderful teacher gave my son Darran Provis a great start in his education, A great community could approach him on any issue you had. A wonderful man and a big loss to our community. Rest in peace Allan.
Very sorry to hear this. Allan was remarkable, and a force! No matter how long it had been since I’d seen him, he always remembered my name, who I was and what I was doing last time I saw him, usually at Tai Poutini Polytechnic. Allan was a genuine person, always interested in people and what was happening. Love to Jayne and all the family.
Deepest Sympathies Jayne, and family. Such a wonderful caring Gentleman who took pride in the things he undertook and knew everyone at Tai Poutini and very approachable to help with a solution and as an educator.
Thinking of you all at this sad time.
Mr B was my teacher in Standard 1 at Hoki Primary. Great teacher – and he always made the Chathams sound so exotic!! He was an educator with great vision, particularly with his role with Tai Poutini Polytech. I always enjoyed a catch up at the farm in years gone by. My sympathy to all the Beaumont family.
Alan Beaumont was an incredible asset to the Coast. not only as a long-serving chair of West REAP, but also as an Education Board representative and as the founding Chair of the Tai Potini Polytechnic. His leadership in establishing and supporting both the Citizen’s Advice Bureau and Budget Advisory Services was effective and seamless; Alan exemplified how the very best leaders help others. That is, he quietly taught those who were followers, how to succeed. Alan knew how to win resources from bureacrats which could then serve the Coast. He did all of this while remaining affable and he became a long term friend whom I shall sorely miss.
My sincere condolences to Allan and his family. I met Allan when I was teaching at Hokitika primary school 1975-76. He was a wonderful friend and mentor to me as a young teacher. Allan taught me a lot about his passion for teaching and the fascination of how students learn. Allan taught me how to appreciate the simple things in life which I remember to this day. I would look forward to my Wednesday nights when I would go out to the farm and have dinner with Allan and Di. We would have some amazing conversations and discussions. We would then go and play indoor balls at 3 Mile hall which I thoroughly enjoyed. I would always enjoy going out to the farm on the weekend and spending time with Allan and Di. It was a fun time and I always learnt something.
A mighty Totara has fallen.
May you rest in peace Alan.
I miss my father.
He taught me so much in life.
When I was very little I remember the coal range, snow once, meals on wheels with mum and then the start of school.
Then my parents separated and what began for me was every school holidays flying from Auckland to Hokitika, farm work, farm fun, and so many exciting stories of tractors, swamps, fencing, floods, dynamite,fires, and fun.
As a growing child dad’s new partner Di was a loved and loving and lovely woman.
Dad was devastated when she passed but then Jayne and her daughters came into his life and bought happiness back for him.
I was fortunate to have been back on the coast for the last 9 years and to have been able to have more time with him in his final years to reminisce and of course to debate!!
Thank you dad for all you have shown me.
For all you have done in the community.
For the time we have had.
Miss you grandad.
I have so many happy memories of holidays at the farm with you and Di when I was young – remember my ‘pet’ bull ‘Amco’ 😅? I loved riding on the back of your motorbike out on the farm to round up the cows for milking. I could list 100 more memories from those days….
More recent years I enjoyed my visits to you and Jayne, meals out and chats about fun times.
We shared our birthday and I will remember you always but especially on our day every December. Xx
You can rest in peace now Dad,
You touched many lives including mine, I remember lots of good and bad times like the time in the Chatham Islands when you and a friend were rowing in through the surf and the dingy overturned, your friend popped up and came ashore but not you and everyone started to panic including me after a very long time you popped up came ashore with a great big fish hook through the middle of your hand.
thankyou for everything you taught me.